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Discovery Dive from Shore (2h)

Specifically for people who are not certified divers, we offer a Discover Scuba Diving program. This program is a perfect way to literally discover diving and explore the beauty of the underwater world.


Specifically for people who are not certified divers, we offer a Discover Scuba Diving program. This program is a perfect way to literally discover diving and explore the beauty of the underwater world.

During a Discover Scuba Dive, an instructor goes over the basic theory of diving. After that the program continues with practicing a few dive skills in front of our diving center in beautiful cove Mavarstica. This gives you the opportunity to breathe underwater for the first time in a safe and familiar environment. As soon as you are comfortable in the water and have mastered the dive skills with success, we go under the water where you can see some sea horses, octopus, small fishes, crabs, sea stars .... The entire program takes about 2 hours. Discovery dive from shore cost 60 Euro. Price includes complete equipment rental, theory lessons and one dive. We organize discovery dive from a shore every day at 10 h and at 14 h.

For those who are very good swimmers we also offer discovery dive from a boat. You can choose between morning or afternoon trip. Over 30 diving sites are only 15-80 minutes from our center by boat. These are also the most beautiful locations in Central Dalmatia, especially the area around the Island of Šolta and the south side of the Island of Čiovo. While diving, you will be able to enjoy the colorful walls overgrown with all kinds of corals, sponges, many kind of fishes, snails, octopus ……….. The entire program takes about 3 hours. Discovery dive from a boat cost 90 Euro. Price includes complete equipment rental, theory lessons, boat ride and one dive . We organize discovery dive from a boat every day at 9 h and at 13 h

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